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*In an extreme effort to keep you safe from infection*

1. You must wear a mask in order to enter the salon. Bring a backup mask just in case during your service the one you have on falls off.  Do not wear gloves when you enter the salon. We will provide you with hand sanitizer and hand washing stations through the salon.

2. Please arrive to your appointment on time or early. Time is budgeted and in order to keep a safe space for you, I have to schedule time before and after your appointment to clean and disinfect my work area and implements before I can allow my next client to enter the building. Even 5 minutes can completely set me back. Things come up and I understand that so just text me if you are running late and we will reschedule your appointment.

3. Please arrive to your appointment with freshly clean completely dry hair. Clean and totally dry. This helps a lot with product application accuracy and processing time of your hair.

4. Please text me when you are parked outside of our establishment. As soon as I am finished cleaning and disinfecting my work area and implements and am set up and ready to perform your service, I will text you to enter the building. We will not have a waiting space for clients inside the building due to strict guidelines of how many people are allowed inside at one time.

5. Please only bring yourself and your phone: no handbags, no meals, no loved ones. A small 4x12inch cleaned, disinfected, and sanitized bin will be provided for you to place your items during your visit with me. Very limited cell phone use is permitted for emergency calls only. Please limit what you bring.

In an extreme effort to keep you safe, I will be utilizing disposable environment friendly biodegradable capes and towels. I assure you all of the measures I am taking are to keep you safe. 

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